By the year 2025, rental prices have become unaffordable for many, forcing people to move to tents outside the city. Initially, the communal living in the complex tent city works wonderfully, until a major investor appears, offering luxury tents and undermining the community.
Duration: 20 minutes

- Gro Swantje Kohlhof
- Vincent Redetzki
- Sina Wilke
- Gilbert von Sohlern
- Michael A. Grimm
- Astrid Polak
- Kathrin Stahl
- Katrin Filzen
- Florian Günther
- Simon Pearce
- Anouk Elias
- Joscha Baltha

- Writer I Director I Editor: Julius Grimm
- Director of Photography: Martin Ludwig
- Producers: Katharina Kolleczek I Lea Neu
- Gaffer: Ahmed El Nagar
- Sound Design: Benjamin Tomoff I Tobias Rehm I Paul Scholten
- Production Design: Nina Putz I Céline Fournier I Mariella Maier
- Costume Design: Anna Gillis I Marina Minst
- Makeup Artist: Lea Reitberger I Felix Niederleitner
- Composition: Giuliano Loli
Festivals (Auswahl)
- Filmzeit Kaufbeuren (awarded with the Democracy-Award)
- SPITZiale (awarded with the Jury- and Audience-Award)
- Regensburger Kurzfilmwoche
- Landshuter Kurzfilmfestival